2014年12月3日 星期三


the gold of Cambodia

CAMGOLDIA 是以柬埔寨的特有種植物『棕櫚糖樹 palm sugar tree 』為主所開發的品牌,我們秉持著有機,公平交易,環保等原則去開發具獨特性與高實用價值的產品。



CAMGOLDIA, it is a brand name through brand development of the palm sugar tree that is the Distinctive plant of Cambodia, as material to make products. We maintain the spirit of organic, Fair Trade, and environmental protection to develop unique and high-practical product.

We hope to promote the Economic value of Palm Sugar Tree by a good design and a high-quality organic. At the same time, we will have the spirit that makes the best use of everything to every product.

We maintain the ecological balance by the concept of Sustainable Development, and offer reasonable salary and job opportunity to the laborer of Cambodia. And then donate 10 dollars by selling one product in Taiwan to help Cambodian to construct a school.

1 則留言:

  1. 這段英文介紹有諸多明顯錯誤,像organic是形容詞不能放在of之後;And then donate 10 dollars by ... 句子根本沒有主詞。還有幾個,官方簡介用兒戲般的英文程度來撰寫,情何以堪
